Course Bundle Package

Course Bundle Package

This course is a bundle of all the course. After making the payment of this course you will be able to access all the Course and Mock Tests.

Course Plan

+ Unit - 1: Political Theory
+ Unit - 2: Western Political Thought
+ Unit - 3: Indian Political Thought
+ Unit - 4: Comparative Political Analysis
+ Unit - 5: International Relations
+ Unit - 6: India's Foreign Policy
+ Unit - 7: Political Institutions in India
+ Unit - 8: Political Processes in India
+ Unit - 9: Public Administration
+ Unit - 10: Governance and Public Policy in India

Course Features

  • Category :Full Course

Teacher Name : Nandita Verma

Picture of Nandita Verma


  • Assignment:0
  • Quiz:31
  • Forum:34
  • Chat:34